Social Diary

Future Social Events For Your Diary

UCM Meeting: The next UCM meeting is on Tuesday, October 1st in the Garden Room; our speaker is Mr. S. Blackburn who will be talking about Poland. Everyone welcomed (including the men!), followed by soup and roll. Cost £2 (includes a raffle) time 10:45.

Young People’s Group: The next meeting will take place in the Garden Room on Thursday October 3rd from 6.00 to 7.30pm. The activity for the evening has yet to be chosen.

UCM dates for your diary: October 5th – A coffee morning is being held in aid of our charity Shelter Box. Time 10:30 to 12.00. November 5th we are thinking of going to Walsingham for Mass at 12:00. If enough people want to come we will be hiring a mini bus. Can you let either Rosie Taylor or Marguerite Wayling know as soon as possible. A list will be in the porch.

UCM Cake Stall: The next cake stall is on Sunday, October 13th in the Garden after Mass.

Social Evening: Our annual evening of socialising and having fun will take place in the Garden Room on Thursday October 17th, 6.30 for 7.00pm.  The theme this year is ‘Pantomime’. There will be prizes for the best costume (child and adult), a short quiz, wonderful panto-style food (watch out for the custard pies!), and a wonderful opportunity to mix with other parishioners.  Best of all the whole evening is free, but please make sure you have a ticket (available soon) so we know the numbers for catering.