Social Diary
Future Social Events For Your Diary
Date for your diary: We are thrilled to be giving a sprinkling of Christmas magic at St. Walstan’s on Tuesday, December 3rd. Witness eyes full of wonder and fun for approx. an hour (10:30 – 11:30) while the “OLD CROCKS” perform TINSEL TIME TOYS! Followed by a buffet lunch in the Garden Room . Cost £2 Parents or Grandparents, If you have young children who are not at nursery they will be very welcome (Your responsibility). There is a goodie bag for the children presented by Father Christmas at the end. Can you let me know if you are coming with a child. So we can make sure there is enough bags. 01603 742161 Thank you.
Christmas Bazaar: Our joint bazaar with St Augustine’s School will take place in the school on Saturday December 7th from 2.00 until 4.00pm. If you have any items in good condition you would like to donate as prizes or to sell, please leave them in the porch, preferably in carrier bags for ease of movement. Draw tickets will be available soon to buy or to take and sell to your families and friends.