Parish Diary

Specific Events

Christmas Masses: Would all Readers and Ministers of the Eucharist please PRINT their names on the list in the porch for the Masses they will be attending over the Christmas period so a rota can be made for those days. The list will be on the noticeboard until Sunday December 8th.

Leaf Clearing: Our volunteer gardeners have been doing sterling work clearing the leaves as they fall but I know they would appreciate some help. Either come along on a Saturday morning at 10.00am, armed with a rake, or anytime you can manage to help with this job. Thank you.

Journey in Faith: The next meeting will be in the Garden Room from 7.00 to 8.00pm on Thursday, December 5th, when we will be looking at the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. All welcome.

Caritas Festival: St Walstan’s church is hosting an open morning for the Norwich deanery to celebrate the work of some 12 local charities. Included in this are SVP, support for ex-offenders and for those in prison, groups working in developing countries such as Malawi and many local groups who are witnessing to Christ’s call within the Beatitudes. Some are secular, others are inter-faith, and some are Catholic – each is making a difference to the marginalised. You are warmly invited to join Bishop Peter to support this event on Saturday 30th November starting with Mass at 09.30 a.m. Further details are available at

Readers: All Readers will be re-commissioned during the Sunday Masses on the weekend of December 7th/8th. The Second Sunday of Advent is known as Bible Sunday, which is why the re-commissioning traditionally takes place on this day.

Monday December 9th: There will be no 9.15am Mass or coffee morning on this date as Fr David will be joining Bishop Peter for Mass at St Augustine’s School.

Advent Carol Service: This annual event will take place in the church at 7.00pm on Thursday, December 19th. Please come along to listen to the seasonal readings and join in the singing.

Extra Confessions for Advent: Fr David will be available in the confessional for the Sacrament of Reconciliation from 10.30am until 12.00 noon on Saturday December 21st.

Important Dates for Next Year: In 2025 Confirmation Mass will be at 7.00pm on Monday, June 9th. There will be only one First Holy Communion Mass, on Sunday, June 22nd at 4.00pm.